+43 5517 20 146
Become a sponsor/partner With your help we can change lifes of young people for the better

Become a donor!

Do you want to support OUTWARD BOUND? Whether as private donator, company, or as part of a charity / foundation, we look forward to any size and kind of donation. As a non-profit organization, we are happy to issue a donation receipt. We currently ask for support for several specific projects.

You can also become part of our community!

The OUTWARD BOUND registered association continually supports the work of our educational centres. Become part of our community and make sure that our work will keep changing lives in the coming years - and decades.

Please find the membership application below.

Current projects

We want to increase our programs for individuals from diverse social backgrounds to support them in their personal development. 

Starting in 2016, we have offered annual programs for mourning children and youth in the Allgäu Alps. In order to keep these programs available to as many children as possible, we need your support! Your donation allows us to keep course fees at a minimum for the families, who are often single-earner households - your donation directlz enables the children's participation in our programs with all the positive and healing experiences they entail. 


In everything we do, we strive to provide the highest quality possible. This requires high-quality equipment that is up-to-date. Only well-equipped participants can enjoy their surroundings and focus on their learning process. Or have you been able to actively work on your communication skills as you hiked through a springtime rainshower wearing a leaky old rainjacket? 

We also offer games and recreational sports equipment for our participants to use during their time off. 

We are grateful for any kind of donation in this regard - check out betterplace.org for more information on how to help. 

Become part of the OUTWARD BOUND Community

The registered association OUTWARD BOUND offers invaluable long-term support for educational centers. With your support and expertise, we can continue our work with children, youth, and young adults for another 60 years. 

If you are interested in joining, check out our membership application.

Our bank account:

Account: Outward Bound gGmbH
IBAN: DE42 7335 0000 0514 3030 31
Reference: Donations + your address

Questions, comments or suggestions? We look forward to hearing from you.

Your contact person:

Daniel Riedel
Telephone: (+43) 5517 20146
E-Mail: daniel.riedel@outwardbound.at